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HOME > STATISTICS & RESEARCH > ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL DATA > Payment Cards > Number of Outstanding Payment Cards by Type

Series Details

Main Series Payment Cards
Data Series Number of Outstanding Payment Cards by Type
Main Series Notes -
Source Banque du Liban
Data Series Notes End of Period. *Revised figures starting January 2010, whereby retailer's cards have been excluded from the outstanding number of charge and prepaid cards in conformity with international statistical methodology
Period Non-Resident Debit Cards Resident - Charge Cards* Non-Resident Charge Cards Resident - Debit Cards Non-Resident Prepaid Cards Non-Resident Credit Cards Resident - Credit Cards Resident - Prepaid Cards*
Aug/2023 48767 63443 3471 1354909 3214 4164 86217 499067
Jul/2023 47699 65558 3595 1374165 3193 4296 90890 492856
Jun/2023 47745 63724 3514 1412624 3061 4418 99293 515642
May/2023 46009 64102 3553 1391148 2963 4690 105788 526514
Apr/2023 46558 64942 3648 1407794 2836 4854 114374 510782
Mar/2023 48891 64928 3460 1450276 2795 4992 118365 505728
Feb/2023 50150 63819 3504 1468454 2099 5289 123497 514480
Jan/2023 49548 64285 3611 1447324 2175 5273 130400 521056
Dec/2022 51263 65267 3630 1501686 2036 5416 135773 614136
Nov/2022 51836 66619 3676 1504330 1975 5660 140650 599000
Oct/2022 51845 66819 3683 1531054 1929 5880 145823 612600
Sep/2022 52433 67471 3719 1546069 1940 6054 152186 610990
Aug/2022 54851 68040 3758 1583726 1775 6334 158798 615900
Jul/2022 55405 67838 3749 1589792 1688 6460 164121 612517
Jun/2022 56260 68551 3837 1602424 1614 6780 171133 598073
May/2022 57253 68574 3846 1604419 1602 6833 177047 595436
Apr/2022 57987 68890 3900 1636070 1467 7258 182446 605635
Mar/2022 59003 69031 3958 1661148 1564 7273 187356 596096
Feb/2022 59304 70056 4064 1667107 1332 7510 195085 607465
Jan/2022 59706 71373 4143 1671977 1203 7878 203785 571395
Dec/2021 60719 71996 4225 1689214 1135 7904 207815 566004
Nov/2021 60963 71186 4173 1696765 1035 8407 219386 576816
Oct/2021 63101 65693 4010 1724255 1100 9801 235579 546989
Sep/2021 63201 68158 3979 1716663 122 10169 244456 545846
Series Identifier Code 258
First Observation Jan/2003
Last Observation Aug/2023
Total Observations 248
Last Update 26/05/2021