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Banque du Liban/ECONOMIC & FINANCIAL DATA/(c) All rights reserved

Series Details

Main Series Monetary Aggregates and Counterparts
Data Series M1
Main Series Notes The compilation of the monetary aggregates and their counterparts is based on the consolidated balance sheets of depository corporations.
Source Banque du Liban
Data Series Notes End of Period
Period In Billions of LBP
Feb/2024 83364.4
Jan/2024 85745.4
Dec/2023 85449.6
Nov/2023 86578.3
Oct/2023 81784.8
Sep/2023 86341
Aug/2023 83910.8
Jul/2023 89337.8
Jun/2023 115872.6
May/2023 105093.5
Apr/2023 90916.2
Mar/2023 86633.4
Feb/2023 101290.6
Jan/2023 94882.2
Dec/2022 98780.4
Nov/2022 89778.5
Oct/2022 91092.5
Sep/2022 76168.6
Aug/2022 58782.7
Jul/2022 61513.7
Jun/2022 56214.9
May/2022 60776.4
Apr/2022 57729.1
Mar/2022 51496.3
Series Identifier Code 278
First Observation Jan/2017
Last Observation Feb/2024
Total Observations 86
Last Update 26/05/2021