Jan 2023 |
20 |
ما تحتاج لمعرفته عن الليبور ووقف استخدامه |
What you need to know about Libor Transition |
Ce que vous devez savoir sur Libor Transition |
اسئلة واجوبة حول انتقال الأسواق المالية من اعتماد LIBOR كمعيار لسعر الفائدة إلى استخدام معدلات مرجعية بديلة خالية من المخاطر. |
May 2022 |
13 |
منهجية ميزان المدفوعات |
The Balance Of Payments Methodology |
Méthodologie de la Balance des Paiements |
Balance of payments (BOP) statistical reports summarize in a methodical way all the economic transactions that take place between the resident economy and the outside world during the year. The Central Bank of Lebanon - Banque du Liban (BDL) - is responsible for compiling the balance of payments statistics for Lebanon. |
Dec 2018 |
19 |
تقرير مسح الشمول المالي في لبنان للعام 2018 |
BDL Financial Inclusion Demand Side Survey Report 2018 |
Rapport d'enquête sur la demande d'inclusion financière de BDL 2018 |
Implementation and Key Findings |
Jul 2018 |
18 |
دعم الصادرات الصناعية اللبنانية |
Supporting Lebanese Industrial Exports |
This guide provides the reader with an overview of the mechanism the BDL has set into place to support Lebanese Industrial Exports. |
Sep 2017 |
16 |
تقرير من مصرف لبنان رداً على اخطاءوردت في وثيقة نشرت مؤحراً |
Report by Banque du Liban in response to a recently published document |
Rapport de la Banque du Liban en réponse aux erreurs contenues dans un document
récemment publié |
In view of the damaging publicity and media coverage that has been created by a Policy Paper dated August 2017 entitled Financial Crisis in Lebanon, authored by Dr. Toufic Gaspard sponsored by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and Maison du Futur, BDL would like to rectify a number of points falsely raised by it. |
Sep 2017 |
17 |
المصارف الإسلامية في لبنان: الإطار القانوني والتنظيمي |
Islamic Banks In Lebanon: Regulatory and Legal Framework |
Les banques islamiques au Liban: cadre juridique et règlementaire |
This guide provides a general overview of the regulatory and legal frameworks of Islamic Banks in Lebanon |
Jul 2017 |
15 |
انظمة المدفوعات والتسوية المالية في لبنان |
Payments and Securities Settlement Systems in Lebanon |
Systèmes financiers de paiement et de règlement au Liban |
The Arab Monetary Fund (AMF), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group jointly launched the Arab Payments and Securities Settlement Initiative (API), which aims to describe and assess the payments and securities settlement systems of the Arab countries |
May 2017 |
12 |
هندسة مصرف لبنان المالية: رافعة مالية ونقدية واقتصادية |
Banque du Liban’s Financial Engineering: A Financial, Monetary and Economic Leverage Effect |
L’Ingénierie Financière de la Banque du Liban: un effet de levier financier, monétaire et économique. |
- |
Apr 2017 |
14 |
استراتيجية مصرف لبنان للشمول المالي : تنظيم وتمكين وحماية |
BDL’s Financial Inclusion Strategy: Regulation, Empowerment , and Protection |
Stratégie d'inclusion financière de BDL: réglementation, habilitation et protection |
BDL’s Financial Inclusion Strategy is the culmination of a series of policy directions which have always reflected a vision that combines the prospects of the economy with the needs of Society |
Nov 2016 |
10 |
الهندسة المالية لمصرف لبنان: الخلفية والأهداف والأثر |
BDL Financial Engineering : Background, Objectives and Impact |
L’Ingénierie Financière de la Banque du Liban: Contexte, objectifs et impact |
This guide provides information on the additional financial engineering policies set by BDL as part of its monetary policy objectives |
Nov 2016 |
11 |
دليل الشركات الناشئة في لبنان |
Startup Guide Lebanon |
Startup Guide Lebanon |
This guide provides directions to navigate the Lebanese startup scene, and to understand the process of launching a startup in the Lebanese startup ecosystem. |
Feb 2016 |
8 |
الاستثمار في اقتصاد المعرفة |
Banking Outside the Box - Equity Financing |
Investissement dans l'Economie de la Connaissance |
This guide provides the reader with insight into the Knowledge Economy and BDL's circular 331. |
Feb 2016 |
9 |
حوافز مصرف لبنان لعام 2016 |
BDL Stimulus Package 2016 |
Le Plan de Relance de la BDL pour 2016 |
This guide summarizes and simplifies BDL's stimulus package for 2016 and the various sectors it is subsidizing |
Mar 2015 |
7 |
لمحة عامة عن مصرف لبنان |
General Overview of the Banque du Liban |
Aperçu Générale sur la BDL |
A general guide about the Central Bank of Lebanon |
Nov 2014 |
5 |
تقرير المسؤولية الإجتماعية |
BDL Corporate Social Responsibility Report |
Responsabilité Sociétale de la BDL |
This report presents to the reader BDL's corporate social responsibility activities for 2015 |